Language and Politics.
Between Linguistics and Political Science logo International Scientific Conference
Faculty of Applied Languages at University of Economics in Bratislava
Volum 9
Ekaterina Borisova: Pojmy „liberalizmus“, „progres“ a „gender“ vo vede a v politike
Concepts of "Liberalism", "Progress" and "Gender" in Science and Politics. In the context of current public discussion, the terms "liberalism", "progress" and "gender" are often heard. Experts try to define these categories and justify their interpretations precisely. But participants in political debates usually do not do this and spread their own understandings, as a result of which the meaning of these popular concepts moves away from the original. The author examines the differences between the established in social sciences and the real political content of terms important for the analysis of modernity.
Keywords: liberalism, progress, gender, discourse, politics.
Nina Cingerová: Diskurz ako súčasť uvažovania o preklade/prekladaní a preklad/prekladanie ako súčasť uvažovania o diskurze
Discourse as One Way of Thinking About Translation/Translation Process and Translation/Translation Process as One Way of Thinking About Discourse. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role that discourse analysis, as a method, theory and research stance, has the potential to play in translatology. Through the prism of synthesizing collective works, it focuses on its grasp and highlights the one-sided exchange between the disciplines in question. It underlines that translation/translating, in the position of a discursive practice, should be taken into account in the analysis of the construction of ideological narratives and images of social phenomena, entities and events.
Keywords: discourse analysis, discoursive practice, translation, translation studies, translation history.
Nina Cingerová – Irina Dulebová: Využitie obsahovej analýzy pri rozbore mediálnych textov
Using Content Analysis in the Media Texts Research. The contemporary information space is characterized by continuous information and hybrid wars, primarily taking place within mass media. Therefore, comprehensive and objective research in this area is of particular importance. One of the key qualitative methods used for analyzing media texts today is content analysis, a method whose application is discussed in our paper. The essence of content analysis lies in the quantitative evaluation of selected units, often complemented by qualitative analysis. The primary tool of "classical" content analysis is a categorization system, developed based on specific research questions or hypotheses. In content analysis covering long time periods, it is also possible to make predictions about certain media trends.
Keywords: media linguistics, content analysis, media discourse.
Ján Demčišák: Nomina propria v jazyku konšpiračných textov
Nomina Propria in the Language of Conspiracy Texts. The language of conspiracy texts is characterised, among other things, like the language of populist discourse, by polarising thinking within the schema of "us" and "them". These poles are not only defined in the abstract; they are also frequently concretised with proper nouns. This paper presents the findings of an empirical study on the use of proper nouns in conspiratorial discourse texts. It employs corpus linguistic tools to analyse the functions of these terms, their associations with other linguistic elements, and their role in the broader context of conspiracy texts. The analysis is based on a corpus of German-language texts obtained from articles in selected online journals.
Keywords: proper names, corpus analysis, alternative media, conspiracy discourse.
Simona Fraštíková: Racionálnosť vs. emocionálnosť v konšpirátorskom diskurze
Rationality vs. Emotionality in Conspiratorial Discourse. This paper examines the dimensions of rationality and emotionality in conspiratorial discourse, focusing on the lexis used to reflect these dimensions. The present study employs corpus linguistics to analyse empirical material to identify linguistic units that reflect the aforementioned dimensions and subsequently deciphering their function in conspiratorial discourse. The findings of the analyses will yield preliminary conclusions about the use of language in this discourse, thereby providing a foundation for further investigation of the linguistic strategies employed in it.
Keywords: conspiracy theories, rationality, emotionality, lexis, digital sphere.
Ján Teodor Gajdoš: Konotácie lexém “demokracia” a „demokratický“ v období „belle epoque“ Ruského impéria v porovnaní so súčasnosťou v Ruskej federácii
The Connotations of the Lexemes "Democracy" and "Democratic" in the "Belle Epoque" Period of the Russian Empire Compared with the Present in the Russian Federation. The paper aims to examine and compare the different connotations of the terms democracy and democratic in the political communication of representatives of power holders and the opposition in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century (until 1914) with the connotations of the given words in the Russian Federation today. The research was carried out on textual material mainly from journalistic sources, further from other official political texts (transcripts of parliamentary debates and promotional materials) and to a lesser extent from private written materials of former politicians. The analysis shows that in the official political discourse in the Russian Empire, democracy had primarily negative connotations; positive connotations were associated with the given term exclusively by opposition political forces. Currently, in the Russian Federation, both the representatives of the ruling power and the opposition associate democracy with primarily positive connotations, and they differ in their assessment of its state in Russia and abroad.
Keywords: democracy, connotation, Russian Empire, Russian Federation, opposition.
Svitlana Goloshchuk – Justyna Tomczak-Boczko: Verbal and Nonverbal Components of Political Addresses by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (wartime period)
The wartime period requires effective crisis management and strong leadership skills for its strategic regulation. In choosing to analyse the political address as a case study, we focus on its unique style and the level of support expressed by Ukrainian society, as evidenced by national polls and the number of followers on social media. It applies descriptive and analytical methods to examine the verbal and non-verbal components of Volodymyr Zelenskyy's political addresses during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The research findings highlight the implications of the President's leadership style from both internal and external perspectives and how it is communicated through verbal and non-verbal aspects.
Keywords: language, war, Ukraine, politics, speech, Zelenskyy.
Ľubomír Guzi: Politická a mediálna realita predprevratového obdobia Ruského impéria
Political and Media Reality of the Pre-Revolutionary Period of the Russian Empire. The Russian political scene at the end of the XIXth and at the beginning of the XXth represents a relatively interesting substrate of the most diverse subjects performing, hiding or rebelling in relation to official power. In the article, we focus on the analysis of the gradually emerging Russian political scene, the rising media environment, which went hand in hand with the strengthening of political opinions of the broadest spectrums - from official imperial ones, through most liberal to radical ones in the underground. We characterize the main power structures as well as the basic ascending political entities and their relationship to the rapidly developing media environment, especially the journalism of this period and classic literary legacy of the past.
Keywords: political discourse, politics, Russian history in the imperial period, Russian language, Russian journalism.
Eva Höhn: Mýty mediálnej éry a moc jazyka
Media Age Myths and the Power of Language. The issue of language and politics can very well be explained against the background of the cultural studies of the last decades. Many are based on semiotic analyses, but the language issue stands in the foreground. The text focuses on the role of language in creating reality, incorporating political narratives. Methodologically, the text draws on research from semiotics and poststructuralism, presenting the most important representatives. In the next step, the text focused on the role of verbal forms, such as literary text, in producing narratives in public space.
Keywords: Policy, Language, Semiotics, Post-strukturalism, Narrativ, Austrian Literature.
Filip Kalaš: Quantifying Lexical Shifts in Political Speech: A Corpus-Based And AI-Driven Analysis of Power and Influence
This study investigates lexical shifts in German political discourse, focusing on terms related to power and influence. By analysing a corpus of Bundestag presidential speeches, significant changes in the frequency and meaning of key terms were identified. The findings suggest that historical events, political developments, and cultural changes influence these shifts. The study highlights the importance of considering the historical and social context of language use and emphasises the potential of AI-driven methods in analysing political discourse.
Keywords: lexical shift, political discourse, corpus, semantics.
Ivana Kapráliková: Digital Media Response of Slovak Political Representatives of Coalition to Attempted Assassination of Robert Fico – A Critical Discourse Analysis
World leaders universally condemned the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, deeming it a threat to democratic principles. In our paper, we examine the digital media response of prominent Slovak politicians, including the Prime Minister himself, to understand how linguistic choices were used to convey meaning, emotion, and power. Using the methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, Systemic Functional Linguistics and Critical Stylistics, our research comprises the rhetoric of 3 prominent Slovak politicians communicated through digital media. The findings provide unique insight into how language is a powerful instrument employed by political leaders, using linguistic strategies including linguistic manipulation as an influential instrument of political rhetoric to persuade audiences for a specific political action.
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, linguistic manipulation, political rhetoric, power struggle, Slovakia.
Maryna Kazharnovich: Political Communication in the Context of Social Media
The article examines the features of the formation and implementation of political discourse in social media, which in the current conditions of widespread informatization of all spheres of public life is turning into one of the main communication platforms for political subjects. Within the framework of social media, a network political discourse is formed, the essence and method of implementation of which are mediated by the logic of social media and directly by the features of network culture. The article comprehends some attributes of network political communication, which forms a virtual “inclusive” political reality; characterizes the features of mediatization of politics under the influence of social media and identifies the consequences of this process for socio-political reality.
Keywords: social media, network culture, political communication, political discourse, network political discourse, mediatization of politics.
Ondřej Kolář – Martin Doleček – Alena Lochmannová: Narativy pouličního aktivismu v otázkách Palestinsko-izraelského konfliktu: Případová studie Brusel
The Narratives of Street Activism in Palestinian-Izrealic Conflict: Case Study Brussel. This article analyses narratives of street activism related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, with the city of Brussels as a case study. The research focuses primarily on stickers as a form of street art that serve as a means of political expression in urban space, but also on several other forms of street activism. By analysing these visual and textual narratives, the paper explores the ways in which attitudes towards this long-standing conflict are communicated and constructed in the Belgian metropolis. The study reveals how these informal and often anonymous expressions of activism contribute to the broader public discourse and influence the perception and understanding of the conflict among local residents.
Keywords: narrative, conflict, propaganda tool, graffiti, activism.
Linda Krajčovičová: The Pragmatic Power of Metaphors: Slovak Political Discourse on the War in Ukraine
This interdisciplinary research explores the metaphorical representation of the war in Ukraine within Slovak political discourse, employing approaches from cognitive linguistics, metaphorology, and political linguistics. The primary aim is to identify and analyse metaphors used by Slovak politicians to describe the conflict, examining their pragmatic potential within political communication. Special attention is given to how these metaphors contribute to political goals, public mobilization, and the construction of social narratives surrounding the conflict.
Keywords: war, Ukraine, metaphor, political discourse, media discourse, cognitive linguistics.
Ján Kšiňan: Politický jazyk vo volebnej kampani amerických prezidentských volieb 2024
Political Language in the 2024 US Presidential Election Campaign. The American presidential election is a phenomenon that is watched not only by the nation itself but also by the world. This happens for several reasons – the prime one is the vigilant awareness that the election results have a global impact. The USA is one of creators that form the direction of international politics, and the role of the president grants the winner of the election great powers in shaping and shuffling such a political situation. Last but not least, it is the high viewership due to the campaign itself, as it is all about marketing, lobbying and show – these are the concepts that entertain and sell. Winning is not just about expertise but first and foremost, it is about the gift of the gab and the ability to persuade. The aim of the study is to present and analyze the political rhetoric of both of the US presidential candidates (Ms. Kamala Harris and Mr. Donald Trump).
Keywords: Harris, Trump, American elections, kampaň, political language, marketing.
Janka Lenčéšová: K metodike výskumu eufemizmov v kontexte vojny v Ukrajine
On the Research Methodology of Euphemisms in the Context of the War in Ukraine. The article's primary focus is the creation of a methodological framework for the analysis of euphemisms used in the context of the war in Ukraine. It discusses applying qualitative and quantitative methods for systematically examining language in media and political discourse. The methodology is based on identifying euphemisms in different types of texts, such as news articles, speeches of officials, politicians, etc.
Keywords: methodology, inductive method, deductive method, political discourse.
Ján Liďák: Relevancia migrácie vo volebnej kampani 2023
Relevance of Migration in the 2023 Election Campaign. The article deals with the issue of articulating the topic of international migration in the 2023 election campaign. Unlike in 2015, when Slovakia did not lie on migration routes, migrants came to Slovakia via the southern Hungarian-Slovak border. This text identifies the communication strategies of the relevant political parties on migration. We are interested in answering the question of who articulated this topic as one of their campaign themes, what the substance of the campaign statements was, and what means of expression were used by the political parties to mobilize voters. The international issue has similarly been securitized in the recent past, i.e., politicians have mainly emphasized the security aspect of the problem. However, there were doubts about whether the migration processes were not triggered deliberately in the pre-election period because, after the elections and the formation of the new government, immigration across the Hungarian-Slovak border did not continue with the same intensity as in the period just before the elections.
Keywords: migration, discourse, political communication, political parties, securitization, Slovakia.
Eva Maierová: A Linguistic Analysis of the Trump-Harris Debate on 10 September 2024
The article focuses on the sole televised debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump during the 2024 election cycle. The linguistic features and rhetorical strategies of both candidates were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis. The analysis revealed significant differences in their respective communication styles, including the length of sentences, the frequency of words, the overall tonality of each discourse, and the prevalent use of three-part lists, metaphors, and hyperbole as the main means of persuasion.
Keywords: debate, discourse, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, president, linguistics, rhetoric.
Katarína Motyková: Preklad a politika. Využitie prístupov diskurznej lingvistiky pri skúmaní recepcie prekladov humanitnovedných textov
Translation and Politics. The Use of Discourse Linguistics Approaches in Examining the Reception of Translations of Humanities Texts. The translation of texts has historically been a significant conduit for the dissemination of ideologies, values, and cultural narratives. This process continues to play a pivotal role in the transmission of ideas across linguistic and cultural boundaries. This text analyses translation as a discursive act, ascribing to it various functions and positing that multiple discursive actors shape it. Consequently, it is pertinent to inquire whether translation itself (in consequence of the act of translation, the translator as its author, and the process of translation itself) cannot be regarded as a discursive actor within the ideological discourses in which it participates. The present paper is founded upon examples drawn from the academic journals of the Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.
Keywords: translation, history of translation, discourse linguistics, DI-ME-AN analysis.
Stanislava Moyšová: Inkluzívny jazyk v slovenskom mediálnom diskurze
Inclusive Language in Slovak Media and Political Discourse. After three decades of theoretical reflection and awareness-raising, some manifestations of inclusive language are now beginning to permeate the social discourse in Slovakia. While theorists argue that women are underrepresented in language, which has a negative impact on their share of power, and therefore changes need to be made to target generic masculine form in particular, consistent application in linguistic practice tends to point to the dysfunctionality of binary forms or compressed forms using graphic signs to replace generic masculine forms in nouns in an attempt to make women more visible in the discourse.
Keywords: Feminism, inclusive language, gender balanced language, generic masculine foorm of nouns.
Ildikó Némethová: Safeguarding Sovereignty and Security: Hungary’s Strategic Leadership in the 2024 EU Presidency
The present article on the Hungarian EU Presidency focuses on national sovereignty, highlighting the legal provisions and Hungary’s claim to autonomy in the areas of immigration and energy policy. While national interests take the front stage, the Hungarian Presidency supports a more flexible approach to EU solidarity, especially in relation to migration reform. Orbán positions Hungary as a top advocate of institutional autonomy inside the EU in his speeches, using rhetorical devices including metonymy, amplification, and historical framing. His leadership underlines Hungary’s major responsibility in enhancing regional stability, competitiveness, and European security, therefore defining the 2024 presidency as a pivotal stage in determining EU direction.
Keywords: Hungary, solidarity, institutional balance, migration, energy security, sovereignty.
Dajana Novák: Political Discourse and National Identity Construction in the Brexit Campaign
The paper examines the function of political discourse, specifically campaign slogans, in shaping and challenging national identity throughout the Brexit campaign. Utilszing Goffman’s framing theory and Brubaker’s and Cooper’s notions of identification and categorisation, the paper examines how the Leave and Remain campaigns employed language methods to influence popular conceptions of Britishness, sovereignty, and belonging. The study emphasizes how phrases like "Take Back Control" and "Stronger in Europe" shaped critical political and economic issues, constructing divergent national identity narratives that divided voters. This research seeks to analyze the rhetorical efficacy of these slogans to uncover the fundamental contradictions in national identity and sovereignty that influenced the Brexit referendum’s outcome.
Keywords: national identity, political discourse, framing theory, categorisation, identification.
Alexander Onufrák: Nejednotnosť v pomenovávaní orgánov samosprávnych krajov na Slovensku v anglickom jazyku
Inconsistency in Naming the Bodies of Self-Governing Regions in Slovakia in English Language. The main goal of this paper is to point out the inconsistency in naming the bodies of self-governing regions in Slovakia in translations into English. The paper consists of two parts: The content of the first part of the paper is the definition of territorial self-government within the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, as well as the analysis of translations of specific laws dealing with the bodies of self-governing regions. The content of the second part of the paper is to point out the real state of naming the bodies of self-governing regions in Slovakia in English on their websites.
Keywords: HSelf-Governing Regional bodies, Self-Governing Regional Chairman, Council of the Self-Governing Region, Electoral legislation, English translation.
Oľga Orgoňová: Aspekty sociálnej inklúzie a používanie slovenčiny vo verejnom priestore
Aspects of Social Inclusion and the Use of Language in the Public Sphere. This contribution relies on the discourse of social inclusion in the EU. One of the strategic priorities of this discourse is the development of the so-called social capital in the sense of supporting people's full citizenship and their participation in a wide range of public activities. I compare the ideas of the social policy of the EU with one aspect of language use in Slovakia, trying to apply the idea of social equality to new forms of the language of respect. My effort is to balance the previous attempts at changes in Slovak inspired by the effort to make genders equally visible, with the relevant ideas of contemporary Slovak linguistics. On this base, I´ am trying to offer my view on the possibilities and limits of the proposed innovations.
Keywords: social inclusion, language of respect, language innovations, use of Slovak.
Žaneta Pavlíková: Mäkké zručnosti v politických rokovaniach so zameraním na kritické myslenie
Soft Skills in Political Negotiations with a Focus on Critical Thinking. Political negotiations constitute an indispensable component of democratic processes and international relations. The success of negotiations is contingent not only upon technical knowledge and skills, but also the demonstration of soft skills. The capacity for critical thinking, being one of the soft skills, is of paramount importance in this context. The article examines the significance of soft skills and critical thinking in the context of political negotiations.
Keywords: political negotiations, hard skills, soft skills, critical thinking.
Miroslav Řádek: Political Propaganda of the Hlinka Slovak People's Party (HSĽS) in the Regional Weekly the Trenčan
Political propaganda of Hlinka's Slovak People's Party in the regional weekly Trenčan. The political press has been a key part of the political communication of mass political parties since the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. No major political party did without them in this period, when there were no audio-visual media (radio from the 1930s and television from the 1950s) or social networks (the end of the 2000s). However, research of political communication in Slovakia naturally focused on periodicals covering with their circulation the entire country. The presented article focuses on the research of the ľudák’s newspaper The Trenčan, which has been digitized in the meantime, but for its more thorough analysis we visited the District Archive in Trenčín. Thanks to direct research in the archive, it was possible to think more deeply and evaluate the intentions of the regional elites of the HSĽS in the Trenčín region and its journalistic quality.
Keywords: The Trenčan, weekly newspaper, HSĽS, propaganda, Slovakia.
Allan Jose Sequeira Lopez: Means of Expression in Daniel Ortega's Speech Regarding the 2018 Massacre in Nicaragua
The 2018 crisis in Nicaragua has received a great deal of international focus and condemnation, with President Daniel Ortega deemed to have been involved in human rights abuses against its people. This text refers to how President Daniel Ortega has sought to undercut serious consideration of the incident. Therefore, this research paper aims to evaluate Ortega’s rhetoric and how this has effectively masked the truth about human rights violations conducted by his regime.
Keywords: Nicaragua, Ortega, Politics, Language, means of expression, dictator, crisis, Human rights..
Katarína Seresová: Metafory v slovenskom politickom diskurze
Metaphors in Slovak Political Discourse. The present article deals with the analysis and interpretation of the use of metaphors in Slovak political discourse. Metaphors are powerful tools that influence how politicians communicate their ideas and how the public perceives them. The study aims to identify the most commonly used metaphorical expressions and to categorize them based on their function and meaning in political communication. The analysis includes research of articles from leading Slovak media, focusing on specific political parties and their use of metaphors in their statements. The results suggest that metaphors play a key role in shaping public opinion, reinforcing polarisation, and creating a collective image of political opponents. The article contributes to a better understanding of how language influences political discourses and social relations in Slovak society.
Keywords: metaphor, Slovak political discourse, political parties, discursive analysis.
Terézia Seresová: Interpretácia ukrajinského prezidenta v kontexte vojny na Ukrajine. Prípad internetového média „Infovojna”
Interpretation of the Ukrainian President in the Context of the War in Ukraine. The Case of the Internet Media "Infovojna". Exploring the impact of alternative media on public opinion is currently a challenge not only for the academic community, but also for policymakers and the general public The paper focuses on identifying the lexis used by alternative media in reporting on the war in Ukraine and analyzes the Infovojna corpus. The first part of the paper introduces the theoretical level of the concept of alternative media. The second part of the paper analyses the lexis used by the Infovojna media in reporting on the person of Volodymyr Zelensky as the Ukrainian president.
Keywords: alternative media, war, president, Ukraine, Slovakia, Disinformation.
Szabolcs Simon: Jazyková diskriminácia v maďarsko-slovenských politických diskurzoch. Diskriminujúci(?) názov: Felvidék (Vysočina)
Linguistic Discrimination in Hungarian-Slovak Political Discourses. A Discriminative(?) Name: The Felvidék. In connection with the 100th anniversary of Trianon, the term „Highlands” often appeared in the written and electronic press and political discourses. The change in the meaning of the name, the restructuring of the meaning structure of the word is interesting. However, we have also seen that it is perceived as discriminatory in certain contexts, especially by Slovak politicians. In this study we deal with the name Highlands, from different perspectives. The text states that translations often carry an ideological and emotional charge, which can evoke strong emotions and reactions in language users in different communicative situations. Occasionally, they can also be used to promote (linguistic) discrimination.
Keywords: Highlands, Treaty of Trianon, electronic and written press, change of meaning, Language discrimination.
Josef Smolík – Petr Juříček: Jazyk české věznice? Porozumění vězeňskému slangu
The Language of a Czech Prison: Understanding Prison Slang. This paper will focus on the research of slang expressions used in a specific Czech prison. The research will be conducted through a questionnaire survey to understand typical slang terms within the prison environment. The paper will be based on relevant literature and practical insights. It will attempt to compare the understanding of slang between recidivist inmates and those serving their first term of imprisonment.
Keywords: Questionnaire Survey, Prison Slang, Czech Prison, Recidivists, First-Time Imprisonment.
Mária Spišiaková – Ján Keresty: K problematike populistického diskurzu
The Language of Populism. Luis Pérez Fernández (alias Alvise Pérez) is a controversial Spanish politician, a representative of the extreme right in Spain, who founded the movement or association Se acabó la fiesta – The party ended just before the European Parliament elections, and now it has three representatives in Parliament. He is mainly active on social networks (Telegram and Instagram) and his speeches are considered to be populist and hoaxes, for which he is the subject of several legal proceedings. This article aims to offer a linguistic-content analysis of Alvis Pérez's speeches and define his discourses' rhetorical strategies and the most common linguistic resources used.
Keywords: political language, discourse, Spain, analysis, rhetoric, populism.
Eva Stradiotová – Elena Smoleňová: Vojna na Ukrajine v kontexte parlamentných volieb 2023
The War in Ukraine in the Context of the 2023 Parliamentary Elections. The article deals with Slovakia's political discourse about the Ukraine war. It answers how Slovak politicians articulated their views on the new geopolitical situation. The text identifies the main actors of the discourse and their political messages. The text assumes that the polarized society greatly influenced the discourse. Indeed, even before the war, some parties expressed positive attitudes towards Russia and its authoritarian re-regime. These attitudes have created a group of politicians who articulate a rejectionist attitude toward support for Ukraine. These are mainly political parties that political scientists classify as populist or far-right.
Keywords: discourse, war, Ukraine, Slovakia, election, populism, securitization.
Ján Strelinger: The Most Frequent Metaphors Used in Political Speeches of Presidents´ Candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris
In the work, there are to be analysed the most frequent metaphors used by Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in their political speeches during the meetings with their supporters and potential voters and in political debates and duels held on TV and other media. By applying metaphors in political discourses, politicians can make abstract concepts specific and vivid to be understood, which is more beneficial for them to shape their images, publicize their policies and convey their political strategy. Metaphors reveal political intentions, help to construct political ideology, convince the masses and shape the image of politicians. Analysing both the metaphorical effects and the relationship between politics and metaphors can provide insight into the study of political metaphors since there is still little research done. I found out important the fact that metaphors directly reflect and express priorities, issues that are of each of the candidates, their political programme, views and standpoints towards the topics considered by them crucial and the most important. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris use metaphors as very efficient and strong tools in persuading the public to give them votes. I also considered important in our work to point at the difference of personalities between these two presidential candidates.
Keywords: metaphors, speech, USA, persuade, public, language, president, candidate.
Martin Šoman: Vplyv ideológií na jazyk v spoločnosti a politike
The Influence of Ideologies on Language in Society and Politics. This article examines the influence of ideologies on language within political and social contexts. The author primarily analyzes how ideologies shape linguistic expressions. The paper provides insight into language as a tool of power structures that enables the promotion of ideological objectives. The research combines knowledge from philosophy, political science, and linguistics. The article also focuses on how ideologies impact linguistic structures and condition communicative norms within society. It presents an interdisciplinary analysis that uncovers the connections between language and ideological influences.
Keywords: ideology, language, influence, political priorities, power.
Radoslav Štefančík: Liberal as an Enemy. The Word 'Liberal' in the Language of Slovak Radical Populists
The paper aims to explain how Slovak radical populists use the word liberal in communication with voters. The corpus of the examined text consists of statements made by representatives of four radical Slovak political parties - Smer-SD, SNS, Republika, and ĽSNS, which were published on social networks such as YouTube, Facebook, and Telegram or as part of a debate in parliament. The main finding is that Slovak populists use the word liberal in a different meaning than its original one. Populists present liberals as enemies of the Slovak people and use the adjective liberal in the sense of evil, hostile, and corrupt. In the language of the populists, a liberal is not a supporter of liberalism and liberal values. Still, the populists present him as a person opposed to the people and the nation. This communication strategy corresponds to the same strategy used by authoritarian rulers in non-democratic regimes.
Keywords: populism, liberal, communication, Slovakia, discourse.
Silvia Vertanová: K jazykovým zmenám v typografickej kultúre
About Language Changes in Typographic Culture. Language was present in the history of human culture for a very long period in a purely oral mode until the discovery of writing, which gave rise to the chirographic culture. Writing was undeniably a revolutionary landmark. Later, the mass spread of the printing press was a similarly revolutionary landmark, and more recently the development of modern mass media with its entirely new possibilities for the dissemination of the written text. Since writing today is not exclusively tied to the human hand, we refer to today's culture as typographic or post-typographic. The form of language use determines the way of thinking. The modern man of typographic culture thinks differently than the man of oral culture thought, and he perceives linguistic changes differently as well. At the same time, he faces different pitfalls and threats in this direction.
Keywords: oral culture, typographic and posttypographic culture, structure of consciousness, language labels, language changes.
Lenka Vraždová: Naratív dobra a zla v sovietskych/ruských vojnových filmoch
The Narrative of Good and Evil in Soviet/Russian War Movies. War movies have long been, and continue to be, utilized as a form of propaganda. This is especially true when dealing with highly instrumentalized subjects like the Great Patriotic War in Russia. This thesis aims to explore which characters or phenomena are portrayed as opposing forces of good and evil, and how these representations reflect the dominant ideology and/or the historical period in which the film was created.
Keywords: war movie, characters, Propp, Russia, Soviet Union.
Jana Wachtarczyková: Čo môžu „povedať“ vektorové reprezentácie slov (word embeddings) o jazyku a politike?
What Can Word Embeddings "Say" About Language and Politics? The article explores the new possibilities that corpus linguistics offers to other humanities research, specifically what word embeddings allow in clarifying the understanding and usage of linguistic resources in language practice. Results of vector representations of words are presented using the web interface Semä, a publicly available tool developed at the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences. The material basis - language corpora utilized by the Semä application – Is briefly outlined. We are dedicated to comparing dictionary, encyclopaedic and vector information. Results obtained through vector models for three key self-identifying expressions in the discourse on politics: politika (politics), politický (political), and politik (politician) - are described. These results are understood as a linguistic reflection of a world that differs slightly in each linguacultural environment. Cross-linguistic comparison of vector models shows what is universal and specific for political discourse in the chosen language, the hierarchy of contextually relevant terms, and their structure in the semantic field. The advantages of word embeddings, such as the exactness of results, clarity of outputs, and traceability of specific examples, are highlighted. We note that the in-depth applicability of this method requires interdisciplinarity and competence in both language and the subject discourse, specifically in the area of politics.
Keywords: word embeddings, contextual semantics, politics, politician.