Papers of conference participants will be published in double-blind reviewed Conference Proceedings Merkúr 2024 in electronic format.
Only papers written in English language that will successfully pass double-blind review process will be published in electronic conference proceedings that will be submitted to the Thomson Reuters® Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).
The paper must strictly follow the guidelines and the template "Paper_template_2024.docx" for papers written in English or the template "Sablona_prispevku_2024.doc" for papers written in Slovak or Czech language.
Authors are responsible for language and content revision of submitted papers. All papers will be reviewed.
Doc. Ing. Dana BENEŠOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Denisa ČIDEROVÁ, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Soňa FERENČÍKOVÁ, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Eva HANULÁKOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. Dr. Ing. Malgorzata JAROSSOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Elena KAŠŤÁKOVÁ, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Zuzana KITTOVÁ, PhD., M.B.L – HSG
Doc. Ing. Roman LACKO, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Viera KUBIČKOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Monika MATUŠOVIČOVÁ, PhD.
doc. RNDr. Kvetoslava MATLOVIČOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Anna MICHÁLKOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. PhDr. et Mgr. Ing., Ladislav MURA, PhD., MSc.
Doc. Ing. Milan ORESKÝ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Jozef ORGONÁŠ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Ľuboš PAVELKA, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Dušan STEINHAUSER, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Ľubica ŠEBOVÁ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Tomáš VÝROST, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Štefan ŽÁK, PhD. MBA, LL.M
Editors and graphic works
Ing. Miroslav HORŇÁK
Conference Proceedings
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2024
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2023
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2022
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2021
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2020
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2019
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2018
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2017
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2016
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2015
Conference Proceedings MERKÚR 2014